The Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board
Labour Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh


The workers employed in building and other construction work are unorganized sector workers who belong to an extremely poor and exploited class. In such a situation, the Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare (Regulation of Employment and Service Conditions) Act-1996 by the Government of India for the purpose of regulating the employment and service conditions of building and other construction workers and providing measures related to their safety, health, and welfare was passed, in order of which the Uttar Pradesh Government promulgated the Uttar Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare (Employment and Service-Condition Regulation) Rules on February 4, 2009. According to the arrangement mentioned in Section 18 (1) of the said Act, the Uttar Pradesh Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board was constituted.

At present, about 1.58 crore construction workers in the state are registered under the board. These construction workers and their families are currently being benefited by the Maternity, Child, and Girl Child Aid Scheme, Sant Ravidas Education Promotion Scheme, Vihaan Residential School Scheme, Skill Development Technical Upgradation and Certification Scheme, Toilet Assistance Scheme, Disaster Relief Assistance Scheme, Mahatma Gandhi Pension Scheme, Serious Illness Assistance Scheme, Girl Marriage Assistance Scheme, Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya Chetna Yojana, and Death and Disability Assistance Scheme by the board.

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