The Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board
Labour Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh

Necessary instructions for approval of drawings of buildings

पंजीयन निर्देश
  • For the approval of the drawing of the building, it is mandatory for the applicant to study the necessary instructions thoroughly before applying online.
  • Before submitting the applicant, make sure to check all the information. Any amendment after the final submission will not be accepted at that time.
  • Applicants should keep this Application ID and Password safe with them.
  • The applicant can check the status of the application form through this application id and password.
  • Copy of approval of computer generated drawings is subject to verification. In case of giving false information, the application will be rejected and appropriate penal action will be taken.
  • Every certificate of registration issued under rule 24 shall be subject to the following conditions, namely –
    • the certificate of registration shall be non-transferable; i.e.
    • the number of workers employed as building workers in any establishment shall not on any day exceed the maximum number specified in the certificate of registration; And
    • Save as otherwise provided by these rules, the fee paid for the issue of the certificate of registration shall be non-refundable.
  • The employer shall, within fifteen days, inform the registering officer of any change in the number of workers or the conditions of work, if any.
  • The employer shall, before thirty days from the commencement and completion of any building or other construction work, send a written notice in Form-4 annexed to these rules to the Inspector having jurisdiction over the area where the proposed building or other construction work is to be executed. which shall contain notice of the actual date of commencement or completion, as the case may be, of such building or other construction work.
  • The certificate of registration of the establishment shall be valid only for such building and other construction work carried out by such establishment for which the requisite information has been given under sub-section (3).
  • A copy of the certificate of registration shall be displayed at such conspicuous place of the premises where the building or other construction work is to be carried out.
  • In the said Rules, in rule 27, in Sub-rule (1) after clause (c) the following clause shall be inserted, namely :- (d) Since the certificate is issued on the basis of self declaration of applicant so if issued on the basis of misrepresentation of facts or concealment of facts or forged documents such certificate shall be deemed to be null and void and cancellation of certificate and legal action may be taken against the applicant.

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