The Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board
Labour Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh

Mission & Vision

To provide social and economic security

To identify the rightful beneficiary


To provide high-quality education


To implement and promote transparency via DBT for schemes


To become self-sustaining


To eliminate manual processes and provide seamless delivery through digital processes

  • Assistance for education
  • Provide free residential education
  • Assistance to expectant mothers
  • Assistance for medical treatment in case of serious illness
  • Benefits in case of disability, death / normal death as a result of an accident
  • Assistance for marriage
  • Financial digitization by making payments through Single Nodal Account (SNA)

Site contents owned, maintained and updated by UPBOCW Board, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, India While surfing through this page you will come across directories/links to different web sites. The contents of these sites are not to be construed as a responsibility of or endorsement by Dept. of Information and Public Relations and NIC

Last Updated